By the time clients come to me, they’ve tried and tried to make healthier lifestyle changes stick.
Which of these hurdles do you recognize from your own experience?
1. Not sustainable
Many programs are complicated; impractical, or beyond the reach of people. It’s important to meet people where they are so that they have a solid foundation on which to build.
And you’ve got to have some “wins” in the beginning to stay on the path.
Making one smoothie or juice a day may be all some people can manage, but it’s still a helpful change.
Every body benefits from moving the body, but not everybody can or should do so athletically.
There are safe, enjoyable and EFFECTIVE methods that do not require hours at a gym and can be done alone or in a group that are within the reach of everybody regardless of age, shape, or current fitness or lack thereof.
One of the things I love best about my work with each client is helping you find out the best way for you to move. What feels good for your body?What gives you more energy, strength and vitality.
2. Misinformed or uninformed
There’s a lot of conflicting information out there. For example: many raw food “gurus” advocate his/her way of eating raw as the optimum. There is the high fruit low fat camp (so called 80/10/10), or the low sugar high fat camp. There are also people pushing unnecessary and expensive “super foods”. With basic information about nutrition, combined with intuition, consumers can make more informed decisions. There’s also tons of information out there on all things health and wellness.
I love research, but many people don’t. So I sort through all this information, plus emerging trends, so that I can give my members the most current information that has been thoroughly researched for benefits and problems.
3. Fear of failure and fear of success
focus on progress, not perfection. Perfect is the enemy of good. An “all or nothing” attitude when it comes to lifestyle changes will make you give up before you start. One misstep and the whole program gets sacrificed.
Many people have experienced noticeable health improvements within 3 days when making recommended lifestyle changes. They then go back to the habits that caused the problems and the symptoms flare up again. You can’t un-ring a bell. They know from experience what works and can be held accountable. They can no longer say, it’s genetic or can only be cured using conventional western medicine.
Coaching helps to identify and overcome self-sabotage through fear of failure and fear of success.
4. Intentional or unintentional lack of support from others
What is not understood or accepted by friends, family and co-workers is often ridiculed or challenged. Many will challenge those on the path if only to justify that the way they themselves eat and live is right–even when their own wellbeing is clearly suffering from those choices.
If you’ve run into this kind of destructive response to your own healthy choices, I can provide you with tools to help get through this minefield and stay true to your commitment to your own health.