Optimize Your Digestion Self-Assessment Consultation


FUNCTIONAL NUTRITION – What is it and why does it matter!

According to the Institute of Functional Medicine, Functional Nutrition is about finding the right way for each of us as individuals to eat—using food to maximize the potential for health and reverse dysfunction or disease. There is no single “right diet” that applies to all of us. We have different genetic backgrounds, different preferences, and different lives. We all want to be healthy, but most of us haven’t figured out just how to make food and dietary patterns serve that goal. Functional Nutrition offers the concepts, strategies, and tools to make that happen!


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Heal the Gut- Heal the Body and Mind!

A comprehensive digestion assessment to determine how your  entire digestive system is functioning in the digestion, assimilation and absorption of nutrients. Includes a customized educational review of herbs, plant based food, supplements and a recommended lifestyle strategy to optimize your digestion using these assessments:

Digestion Self-Assessment Scorecard

Eating and Lifestyle Habits Assessment

Your Optimize Digestion Self-Assessment Consultation will be a 60 minute virtual session via Zoom.  Once you pay for the session, download your Welcome Letter with instructions and access to your digestion self-assessment scorecard  and eating habits self-assessment forms.

DISCLAIMER: I am a health coach, wellness consultant, and educator. Drawing on my background, training, skills, and life experiences, I support my clients of TrueSelf TotalHealth spiritually, mentally, emotionally, and physically.  I am not a licensed practitioner, physician, dietician, nutritionist, nurse or medical professional.  Anything you learn here is to be utilized/taught/shared at your own risk. Antoinette (Toni) St. Clair, Health Coach and Wellness Consultant claims no responsibility to any person or entity for any liability, loss, or damage caused or alleged to be caused directly or indirectly as a result of the use, application, or interpretation of the information presented, suggested or recommended.  This content is not intended to diagnose, treat, or cure a disease or condition.  It is intended to be provided for informational, educational, and self-empowerment purposes ONLY.  Please consult with your doctor or wellness practitioner if you have a condition that requires medical attention.

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